Entering the African TV market: ’Taste Africa’ and ’Films & Stars Africa’

We have developed different ideas for the African television market. Together with our partner FCCE we are now talking to 35 African channels that have shown interest.

Films & Stars Africa
: A weekly series which will deliver a true blend of films and lifestyle relevant to African audiences, showcasing the vibrant film industry of Hollywood, Nollywood and Africa.

Taste Africa: An infotainment videoseries on African cooking. The abundance of ingredients and the multitude of cultures form the main point for a spectacular show of tastes and dishes. With this program we want to broaden the culinary horizon of our viewers and boost creativity in the kitchens all over Africa.

These series are focused on the African market and specifically targeting the growing African middle class. More than 35 channels (six of which are Pan- African) in 17 counties either bought the series or showed interest. This will mean an estimated reach of around 50 million Africans in six months.

For both series we are still looking for sponsors. Should you be interested, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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